Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What about that J. Crew Picture and those Pink Toenails?

Should we continue to promote the idea of gender specific activities with our children or should our childrens' ply reflect a society where the gender specific roles are becoming a little more blurred? In today's society, we have stay at home dads and female corporate moguls. This is not our parents "Father Knows Best" society anymore. I think that by engaging in activities that cross gender lines, we will be raising more well rounded and tolerant children. For me the question is not about whether it was okay for the J. Crew executive to paint her son's toenails bright pink, but rather whether it was okay to exploit her son in an ad that benefitted her career. I don't believe that crossing gender lines with the way our children play causes gender confusion. A person's gender identity comes from within no matter what their age is. It's a natural part of growing up to explore who you are.

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