Saturday, August 4, 2012

Shapewear for Teens: Are There Health Risks?

A growing number of teens, mostly girls, are wearing very tight shapewear all the time to smooth out their bodies.  Teens refer to this shapewear as "Shapies", but Spanx all dressed up is still Spanx.  Is this safe or does it pose a health risk to these teens?  Shapies squeeze the internal organs and can cause ions, and gastrointestinal problems.  Numbness, pain and nerve damage has been reported by teens who wear these shapies all the time.

Psychologists report that these garments may add to the number of teens with eating disorders or poor body image.  I have but one question for these Psychologist, what came first the chicken or the egg.  Could it be that teens with eating disorders and poor body image are more likely to wear shapewear?

Several of the manufacturers of these garments claim that if they are not to tight, there is no problem.  Doesn't wearing loose shapewear kind of defeat the purpose of wearing them at all?

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