Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Parents and Worrying...Do They Really Go Hand and Hand?

From the time our children are conceived until the time we breath our last breath, parents worry about their children.  It's human nature and perfectly normal to worry about your child's safety.  Many parents would like to protect their children from the evils of the world by sealing them in a bubble so that they never get hurt.  Although this would keep our children save, it does not allow them to live.  Isn't having children live a good life a parent's goal as well.  Many of my friends fear letting their children play outside and keep them in the house all day long.  Think of all the fun you had playing with friends outside and all the fun your child is missing out on staying in the house.  This may be at the bottom of our childhood obesity problem.  I am not suggesting letting your child play outside if it truly is not safe.  If it isn't safe try to find them a safe place to ride their bike, swing, run and swim.  I propose a happy balance between worrying and letting your child live a normal life. 

Susan Jeffer's has a quote that may help parent's work through their fears about their children, "Feel the fear and do it anyway".  She promotes the idea that 90% of the things we worry about never happen and the 10% that does happen we can't effect for the most part anyway so why worry.

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