Monday, June 18, 2012

Friends...Real or Fake?

How many times in your life have you been stabbed in the back by someone who you thought was your friend?  It's definitely happened to me more than once.  How can we protect our children from experiencing this upsetting event in their life?  Help them to identify qualities of a good friend which should include things like loyalty, fun, caring, nice, kind, and having some similar interests. Be sure to warn them off of fast friends because they usually are only looking to be friends with them just to get something they want from your child and once they have what they wanted in the relationship they usually hit the road.

I would much rather my child have one or two close friends that they can count on then hundreds of friends who will be long gone when troubled times come. This is an important point to make with your teen because they are in the stage of life when peers mean everything to them

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