Monday, January 23, 2012

Teaching Your Child How to Survive an Abduction

In light of the remarkable actions of the nine year old girl, Calysta Cordova, who had been abducted in Colorado, I wanted to share with you some information that I feel is vital to teach our children to help them survive an abduction.  I wish that not a single child had to use these skills, but that is not a realistic view.  My motto for children is better safe than sorry.

Some things to teach your child to do if someone is trying to kidnap them:  1) they should always fight, don't go willingly, 2) Run in the opposite direction the car that is trying to take you is facing because they will have to turn the car completely around to pursue you, 3) yell out "this is not my mom or dad", and 4)draw attention to yourself and your situation for example if you are in a store knock things off the shelves.

Visit for additional advice on helping your child survive an abduction and come home safely to you just like the Colorado nine year old.

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