Thursday, August 4, 2011

Play Dates and Alcohol...Do They Really Mix Well?

A recent trend has moms and stay at home dads adding to the traditional play date by raising an alcohol filled glass. Is there anything wrong with this, I would say no as long as the drinking is done in moderation and that no one is driving with children in the car having had too much to drink.

I would ask all of those individuals speaking out against these types of play dates, are they falling victim to a double standard. Fathers have been taking their children to ballgames and partaking in several beers during the game for generations and there has been no out public out cry about that. Do we hold mothers to a different standard then fathers, or should we be taking a hard look at the possible dangers of engaging in either of these two activities.

When it comes to drinking during activities with your children, I think the important words to consider are: moderation and driving under the influence.

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