Monday, July 2, 2012

Record Heat and No Power: How Will You and Your Children Survive?

Recent record heats and the violent storms typically associated with this type of heat have left many families without power and limited means to escape from the sweltering heat.   Listed below are some important things to do to keep your family safe.  Remember that this weather can be deadly for people of all ages.

1) Stay hydrated!!!!  Drink plenty of water (3 liters of water for a man and 2 liters for a women a day) and make sure that your water is safe to drink.  When the power is out, the community water source will be effected.  We stock up on gallons of bottled water prior to hurricane season.  Another option is to fill clean bottles with water in preparation for a weather event that will effect the water source.  Avoid alcohol and caffeine because they can dehydrate you.  If you need to partake in alcohol or caffeine b sure to increase your water intake accordingly.

2) Wear light colored clothing that is loose fitting to help stay cooler. 

3) Stay indoors or in the shade as much as possible.  A hat is also a good idea to block the intense rays of the sun.

4) Don't leave your children or pets in the car, even for a quick errand.

5) Limit the activity level of all family members.  Easier said than done when it comes to highly active young children.  Get out the hose and let them play in the water if possible.

6) Be aware of the symptoms that indicate someone is suffering from heat stroke or dehydration.  Taking action when you first notice these symptoms may save aa life.  Watch for someone experiencing headaches, dizziness, disorientation, skin that is red hot or dry, rapid pulse rate, nausea.

7) Stock up on non-perishable foods, batteries, first aid kit and crank radios to keep informed.

8) If power is out for a long period of time, be leery of the food left in the refrigerator.

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