Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fighting Your Children's Mid Summer Boredom

Being a teacher, my daughter still experiences this phenomenon in her adult years.  She suggested that I post each day a list of fun activities for your children to do when they come to you saying how BORED they are.  I have decided on a compromise to this suggestion.  Each week I will post a list of atleast 10  possible activites to either do with your children or for them to do on their own.  I will try to include things for all ages of children, that cost little to no money and require various time commitments.  Here is this weeks list.

1) Build a fort in the house with blankets, sheets, card board box or anything that you can find.  This doesn't have to be just for the kids.  Have lunch in the fort, read a book or spend the night there telling ghost stories. 

2) Set up a tent in the backyard and campout.  We roast marshmellows in our fire pit, check out the stars, and tell scary stories.

3) Have a squirt gun fight.  Get those big squirt guns and have at it.  Parents included.

4) Set up a badmiton net in the backyard.

5) Take a nature walk with a digital camera.  Try to get creative with the picture taking.  View the pictures on a computer.  Use a photo program and play with changing them.

6) Have a creative time with sidewalk chalk, watercolor paints, or finger paints outsside to avoid any mess.  FYI:  sometimes the best art work is developed like this.  Framing your child's art work can be an activity that you do together or you can let them frame it the way they want.

7) Take a dance, yoga, or art class with your teen.  Many places offer first lesson for free or have groupon deals.

8) Take a bike ride (remember if you wear a helmet , they will too).  Take along a picnic lunch in a backpack and make a day of it.

9) Go shopping with your teen.  Not to buy anything, just to try stuff on.  The funnier the better.  My daughter and I have been known to try on those outlandish hats that the Brits are famous for wearing.  I recommend that you throw a camera in your purse to capture some of these outfits.  I have missed out on some hilarious shots for lack of a camera.

10) Run through a sprinkler or go out in the rain and get soaked. 

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