Sunday, November 6, 2011

Trouble Adjusting to the Time Change? Me, Too Says Your Child

Fall behind, Spring ahead. That means an extra hour of sleep for all of us this Sunday morning, yeah right. Someone should tell my internal clock. It will take most of us, chldren included, two weeks to adjust to the new time and lighting schedule. It is nice that it is light out when our children are going off to school, but it does seem to come home from work or activities in the dark. Understanding that you and your children will have some difficulty adjusting to this time change (yes even with an hour more sleep)will help. Consider taking it a little bit easier with regard to activities and bedtimes during this adujustment period.

For most of us, the time changes marks the beginning of wintery, dreary weather. Studies suggest that some individuals suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is a form of depression that occurs in relation to the seasons, most commonly beginning in winter. This disorder may begin in adolescence or early adulthood. Like other forms of depression, it occurs more frequently in women than in men. Most people with the "winter blahs" or "cabin fever" do not have SAD, but some do.

The cause of SAD is not known, but it is thought to be related to ambien lighting, changes in body temperture and hormones associated with winter weather. Since many of us suffer from mild forms of the symptoms associated with this disorder in the winter time, don't automatically assume that you or your child is suffering from it. After seeing the list, I think that you will agree with this last statement. Symptoms include:
afternoon slump with decreased energy and concentration, carbohydrate cravings, decreased interest, depression that starts in fall or winter and ends in spring and summer, increased appetite with weight gain , lack of energy and social withdrawal. Treatment for this disorder can include antidepressant medication, but I really support trying talk therapy or light therapy with a special lamp to mimic light from the sun. Why rely on pills to treat something that could be effectively treated in both you and your child with talk and light.

If you find the winter weather is really getting you or your child down in the dumps in a major way consider consulting your doctor as there may have some help for you and your child. Don't just sit back and wait for what seems to be a never ending season to end, when there is help out there.

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