Monday, November 7, 2011

I Survived Two Teenagers and So Can You!

In the title of this post I used teenagers but probably more accurately I should say tween/teen with as fast as our children are growing up now a days. Anyone who has had one of these hormones on feet living in their home knows that it can sometimes be a rollercoaster ride or maybe a trip through a fright house. What can you do short of giving them away? I have some thoughts for you, but most of these ideas involve you doing something, or nothing because I don't have a magic wand that takes away hormones.

First and foremost, think back and try to remember that time in your life. How out of whack you felt all or most of the time and have some empathyy for how your child is maneuvering through this time of life given all the pressures of our ever connected society. I don't know about you but I have no wish to revisit that time of my life.

Second. engaging does not help. When they are pitching a fit, argueing with them is counterproductive. Leave them alone until they are ready to rejoin the human race and then talk about whatever they had on their mind.

My last suggestion is a little crazy but I find that it works and I recently suggested it to a friend who actually cracked a smile during her child's tween years whcih says to me that it might just work. Either get in your mind the picture of what a hormone on rollerskates might look like everytime your tween/teen flies off in to tirade. This may just help you gain perspective and keep from engaging in an all out battle. Listen to someone who knows, this interaction never ends well.

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