Monday, May 23, 2011

When Your Children Make a Sexual Choice Outside Your Comfort Zone

What to do if your child shares with you that they are Homosexual, Transexual, Transgender or any other choice that is considered outside of the social norm when it comes to sexuality? First and foremost this is not a decision that your child has come to lightly. I don't believe that individuals make choices that will cause them difficulty in life unless that is who they are. This is not a post on trying to sway your opinion one way or the other about a sexual choice that your child has made, it is just some thoughts about your reaction to this news. Please consider what you may miss out on if you sever ties with your child if they have made a sexual choice that you believe to be morally or spiritually wrong. You may never have the opportunity to meet and have a relationship with your Grandchildren, you may find yourself completely alone in your golden years and you may find that you regret the loss of the close relationship you and your child once shared. Please take some time to think about the consequences of your reaction to this news, before you react. Your reaction may have long lasting effects to this very important relationship. In closing this post, I feel compelled to address the strong religious views on this topic. God and Jesus (or whomever you choose as your Higher Being)love us unconditionally no matter what we have done. He has entrusted us as parents to care for our children while they are here on Earth and I don't believe that He would want us to throw away this responsibility and stand in judgement over our children just because of a decision that they have made. "He without sin cast the first stone". I don't know about you, but I certainly have no right to cast any stones.

In a video interview that Cher did with The Advocate, she had these words of wisdom for those parents dealing with a child who is undergoing a sex change.
"Take it slowly. There are so many feelings that come up and most of them are difficult. And you go through a lot of changes, just as Chaz was going through whatever her changes were," Cher says. "One time I called, and she obviously had forgotten to change her voicemail, and I thought, 'Oh my God, that's probably the last time I'm going to hear the voice I've known my whole life.' There are small things you take for granted. It took a long time for me to know, this is the same person I've known my whole life."

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