Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Time Management: Step 2

Step 2 to teaching your child to manage theirr time is "balancing the time budget".  Just like money, time needs to be balanced.  There are twenty-four hours in a day, never any more.  Your child will need to learn how to balnce there day in order to fit in all the things they want to do.  Their budget will cover the entire twenty-four hours because they have included the necessities of life (sleep, eating and cleanliness) on their list of things to do.

Begin by having your child assign times for each of the things on the list that they developed in step 1.  They may need to do this for each of the days of the week, as their activities may not always be the same.  Add up the amount of time needed to do all the things listed.  If the amount of time required comes in under 24 hours, they're done.  If the time comes in over twenty-four hours, they will need to revisit their list and cut back on or eliminate certain activities in order to fit the twenty-four hour time allotment.  Many children will try to cut back on sleep, but this is not a good idea as someone who is sleep deprived is less efficient and will take more time to do things.  This may be a good lesson for adults to learn as well.

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