Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What's in Your Baby's Food

I am all for either making your baby's food from fresh vegetables and fruits, or buying baby foods that are made with all natural ingredients. Having a child with an autoimmune disease, gets you to think about what is in the food you're eating. I don't think that the preservatives that are in baby foods are good for your baby. I hope that this post gets you to start thinking not only about what is in your baby's food, but what is in your's as well. Cattle and chickens are fed growth hormones to help them to grow quicker. Ask yourself what eating chicken and beef that have been raised on growth hormones does to you and your children. There has not been a lot of research done on this topic, however many of us only need to look around at our children to know the truth. Children are developing at a much younger age then ever before and autoimmune diseases are at an all time high in developed countries. So next time you are at the grocery store, I hope you carefully consider what is going into your shopping cart.

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