Friday, December 3, 2010

What is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is using the internet, e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, digital images, web pages, blogs or chat rooms to send mean, obscene or threatening messages or images. With the increased use of technology at all ages levels, this type of bullying is growing faster than any other type. Here are some things that you, as a parent, need to know about cyberbullying. Most incidences of Cyberbullying do not occur at school. This should be a wake up call for all parents; for the most part this type of bullying occurs when your child is at home or at their friends' houses. There are a lot of different types of activities that are considered cyberbullying: Flaming is Online “fights”; Harassment is repeatedly sending offensive, and rude messages (this may include pictures); cyberstalking is repeatedly sending messages that include threats of harm or make a person afraid for their safety(i.e. my bff is going to beat you up in the parking lot); Denigration is “dissing” someone on line by posting cruel gossip or rumors; Impersonation occurs when someone breaks into another person's personal on-line account and sends messages to get that person in trouble; Outing and Trickery is sharing someone’s secrets online, or tricking them into sharing this information.
It is important, as a parent, to arm your child with information about Cyberbullying and the consequences that may result from engaging in these behaviors.
Future blogs will contain information about why so many children and adults are engaging in this type of bullying and what you can teach your children to do if they are a victim of cyberbullying.

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