Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sending Your Child Off to College: Final Thoughts

As the day approaches, here are a few tips to help you and your child have a successful college experience.  First and foremost, there is never a time for you to go to your child's classroom.  Your child is an adult and you need to encourage them to fight their own battles if they are having a difficult time with their professor.  This includes them having control over their grades and their attendance.  I am not saying that you should not provide your child with your input on these topics, just that it is their responsibility to take action.

The remainder of the tips are to share with your child. 
*Encourage them to arrive early, especially if they are parking.  Parking seems to be a problem at  
    most campuses. 
*Encourage your child to schedule their classes with their sleep pattern in mind.  Night owls may not
    want to schedule an 8:00 a.m. class.  I learned this one first hand.  Let's just say I missed a lot of
    my 8:00 a.m. class and didn't do well.

*Encourage your child to develop a schedule which includes all the activities that they will be
     participating in each week.  They should include classes, studying, practices/games if they are
     participating in a sport, and down time because like it or not enjoying a social life is a part of
     college life too.

*Encourage your child to find on campus help if they are struggling in a class.  Talk to them about
     doing this sooner rather than later because it is easier to dig your way out of a little hole than a
     bigger one.  Most colleges have tutoring centers, teaching assistance or study groups set up for just
     this purpose.

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