Sunday, July 15, 2012

Schools Can't Prevent Bullying...If They Could They Would Have Done So Long Ago

School administrators can set up harsh disciplinary actions for bullying, but sad to say that does not effectively eliminate the bullying problems in the school.  Bullying is definitely a bigger problem in schools than anywhere else.  I think this is merely because of the high number of children congregating there, not because the school is doing something wrong.  Wherever there is a high concentration of people, there will be bullying. 

Bullies may respond for a short time to disciplinary action but the most effect way of eliminating the bullying problem is by changing the behavior of the victims and bystanders.  If you find that your child is the victim of a bully, teach them some of the techniques that I have written about in previous posts.  Make sure that you also educated them on what to do if they are a bystander because more than likely if the bully doesn't get the reaction that they are longing for from your child they will probably start picking on someone nearby.

The cold hard truth about bullying is that a bully's behavior will only change if the bystanders and the victims change their reaction.

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