Saturday, May 19, 2012

It Takes More Than A Sperm Donation to be a Dad

A news story out of Tennesee caught my attention yesterday.  Desmond Hatchett.  a 33 year old man who has fathered 30 children appeared in front of a judge to have his child support reduced.  He fathered children with eleven women and has children ranging from toddlers to 14 years old.  Some of these women already receive the whapping sum of $1.49 a month.  Desmond claims that he can't make ends meet after paying out all of his child support.  I would like to see him try to make ends meet each month for himself and a child on $1.49.  The term "serial father" has been used by the media with regard to Mr. Hatchett.  I think that this term with its negative connotations is appropriate as what chance do all of those children have growing up without a Dad.

It takes five minutes to become a Father, but a lifetime to be a Dad.  Think about that next time Mr. Hatchett and keep it in your pants or use birth control.

1 comment:

  1. An early happy fathers day to Mr. Hatchett!
