Friday, April 15, 2011

Choose Your Battles Carefully When It Comes to Your Children

Is it really that important for children to dress the way you want them to, wear their hair in the style that you like and participate in the activities that you think that they should be participating in? We are all trying our best to raise children who will become productive adults. Consider that if you are making all the decisions for your children, you are making it very difficult for them to have confidence in their own decision making ability. Next time that they want to paint their nails pink or wear clothes that are typically worn by the opposite sex, support their decision. It will be difficult to do, but the benefits will be great.

Save your battles for the important issues like drugs. If you are constantly correcting your children, they will start tuning you out. Start today letting them make some of their own decisions (mistakes) on the smaller things, they may just start listening to you again in time to hear your words about the big stuff.

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