It may seem a strange time of the year to be discussing bike safety, but I am compelled to do it now for two reasons: where I live it has finally cooled down enough that this is the perfect time for biking, and many children receive bikes on Christmas morning.
When we were out biking as a family this weekend, I realized that I did not know the rules with regard to biking. Fortunately for me, the rest of my family is very familiar with the hand signals, and traffic rules for biking. They have been participating for several years now in a bike ride for Crohn’s and Colitis called Get Your Guts In Gear. This is a three day, 210 mile bike ride. I will be talking about this more in future posts because it is a very important event and community to my family since my son has Crohn’s disease, but I mention it now just to let you know why they are so familiar with the rules of biking and I’m not. I am a member of the crew for this ride. Upon returning from the family bike ride, I decided to do some research about the rules of biking. Future posts will outline what I have learned. I am also hoping that educating myself will help me become more relaxed when riding. I just started riding again last year, after not being on a bike for many years, and I took several spills at that time. Hand signaling, shifting and watching traffic has me very apprehensive, but I find bike riding a fun, family activity and want to get more comfortable at doing it. I don’t want to be left behind anymore while my family is training for the 210 mile ride. Let’s learn together.
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